Cassie Howington

Cassie Howington was born in California and resided in Canton, OH for 37 years before relocating to Boulder City, NV in 2016. 

Cassie was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy at age three and became interested in painting in her late twenties/early thirties through her mom.  Cassie's mom inspired her to paint as a form of enjoyment, relaxation, and therapy. She also became inspired by a horse named Mohawk, who's owner was an animal communicator.  As Cassie was sitting in the middle of the arena in her wheelchair, Mohawk came up to Cassie and started nudging her hands and legs. He was communicating through his owner that she needed to use her hands and legs more. As a result, Cassie has continued her passion for painting as an expressionist artist and is also working on her health and physical strength to maintain her condition.

Cassie is a member of the Boulder City Nevada art guild and currently has paintings displayed in local exhibits and through her web site:

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